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Generic purpose classes and methods such as metadata models.

Metadata includes the kinds, labels, weights and annotations that we assign to our data objects. Standardizing this enables a more predictable experience.


Annotations(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: Mapping

Miscellaneous properties mapping such as tool-specific metadata.

Source code in src/ragraph/
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    # The internal storage dictionary.
    self._data: Dict[str, Any] = dict()

    # Update the mapping with args and kwargs.
    self.update(*args, **kwargs)


    value: Union[int, float],
    inclusive: bool = True,
    report: Optional[str] = None,

Numerical lower or upper bound for a value. Use with comparison operators.


Name Type Description Default
value Union[int, float]

Numerical bound value.

inclusive bool

Whether the bound is inclusive.

report Optional[str]

Whether to report an "error", "warn" or nothing (None) on bound violations.

Source code in src/ragraph/
def __init__(
    value: Union[int, float],
    inclusive: bool = True,
    report: Optional["str"] = None,
    self.value = value
    self.inclusive = inclusive = report


as_dict() -> Dict[str, Any]

Serializable dictionary representation.

Source code in src/ragraph/
def as_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Serializable dictionary representation."""
    return dict(value=self.value, inclusive=self.inclusive,


    lower: Optional[Bound] = None,
    upper: Optional[Bound] = None,

Numerical domain for a value. Use with "in" operator.

Source code in src/ragraph/
def __init__(
    lower: Optional[Bound] = None,
    upper: Optional[Bound] = None,
    self.lower = lower
    self.upper = upper


as_dict() -> Dict[str, Any]

Serializable dictionary representation.

Source code in src/ragraph/
def as_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Serializable dictionary representation."""
    return dict(
        lower=None if self.lower is None else self.lower.as_dict(),
        upper=None if self.upper is None else self.upper.as_dict(),


Bases: StrEnum

Convention for matrix conversion to follow. Either:

  • Inputs in rows, feedback above diagonal (IR_FAD)
  • Inputs in columns, feedback below diagonal (IC_FBD)

IC_FBD class-attribute instance-attribute

IC_FBD = auto()

Inputs in columns, feedback below diagonal.

IR_FAD class-attribute instance-attribute

IR_FAD = auto()

Inputs in rows, feedback above diagonal.


Mapping(*args, **kwargs)

A dictionary like object that with property-based access fields.

It's possible to include allowed keys, default values, and optional validators for certain keys/properties of a derived class.

from ragraph.generic import Mapping, field
def check_int(value):
    assert value == 1

class MyMap(Mapping):
    _protected = True
    _defaults = dict(myfield=1)
    _validators = dict(myfield=check_int)
    def myfield(self) -> int:
        '''My field's docstring'''

m = MyMap(myfield=3)
assert m.myfield == 3,            "This should return our set value."
assert m.myfield == m['myfield'], "A mapping works like a dictionary."
del(m.myfield)                    # This deletes our override.
m.validate()                      # Checks whether myfield == 1.
Source code in src/ragraph/
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    # The internal storage dictionary.
    self._data: Dict[str, Any] = dict()

    # Update the mapping with args and kwargs.
    self.update(*args, **kwargs)


as_dict() -> Dict[str, Any]

Return a copy as a dictionary with all sub-mappings as dictionaries, too.

Source code in src/ragraph/
def as_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Return a copy as a dictionary with all sub-mappings as dictionaries, too."""
    m = self._defaults.copy()
    for key, value in m.items():
        if isinstance(value, Mapping):
            m[key] = value.as_dict()
    return deepcopy(m)


get(key: str, fallback: Any = None) -> Any

Get an attribute with a fallback value if it isn't found.

Source code in src/ragraph/
def get(self, key: str, fallback: Any = None) -> Any:
    """Get an attribute with a fallback value if it isn't found."""
    return getattr(self, key, fallback)



Get defaults and overrides as a (key, value) dict_items iterator.

Source code in src/ragraph/
def items(self):
    """Get defaults and overrides as a (key, value) dict_items iterator."""
    m = deepcopy(self._defaults)
    return m.items()


keys() -> Set[str]

The keys in this mapping. (defaults and overrides).

Source code in src/ragraph/
def keys(self) -> Set[str]:
    """The keys in this mapping. (defaults and overrides)."""
    return set(self._defaults.keys()).union(set(self._data.keys()))


update(*args: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs: Any) -> None

Update multiple keys at once.


Name Type Description Default
args Dict[str, Any]

Dictionaries of key value pairs to update the set data with.

kwargs Any

Keyword arguments to update the set data with.

Source code in src/ragraph/
def update(self, *args: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs: Any) -> None:
    """Update multiple keys at once.

        args: Dictionaries of key value pairs to update the set data with.
        kwargs: Keyword arguments to update the set data with.
    for arg in args:
            for key, value in arg.items():
                setattr(self, key, value)
        except AttributeError:
            raise TypeError(f"Expected a dictionary or a Mapping. Found a {type(arg)}.")
    for key, value in kwargs.items():
        setattr(self, key, value)


validate() -> None

Check whether the current data passes validation.

Source code in src/ragraph/
def validate(self) -> None:
    """Check whether the current data passes validation."""
    # Get the complete mapping (default overridden with set values).
    m = deepcopy(self._defaults)

    # Per key validation.
    for key, value in m.items():
            # Validate submappings.
            if isinstance(value, Mapping):

            # Validate using validator if available.
            validator = self._validators.get(key)
            if validator is not None:
        except Exception:
            raise MappingValidationError(
                f"Validation of '{key}' failed: '{value}' did not pass validation."

    # Post-validation.
    except Exception:
        raise MappingValidationError("Post-validation did not succeed.")


    name: Optional[str] = None,
    kind: Optional[str] = None,
    labels: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    weights: Optional[Dict[str, Union[int, float]]] = None,
    annotations: Optional[
        Union[Annotations, Dict[str, Any]]
    ] = None,
    uuid: Optional[Union[str, UUID]] = None,

Metadata for graph elements.


Name Type Description Default
name Optional[str]

Instance name. Set to a copy of the UUID if None provided.

kind Optional[str]

Kind or main category of this instance.

labels Optional[List[str]]

Labels categorizing this instance.

weights Optional[Dict[str, Union[int, float]]]

Dictionary of weights attached to this instance.

annotations Optional[Union[Annotations, Dict[str, Any]]]

Miscellaneous properties of this instance.

uuid Optional[Union[str, UUID]]

UUID of this instance, generated when None provided.

Source code in src/ragraph/
def __init__(
    name: Optional[str] = None,
    kind: Optional[str] = None,
    labels: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    weights: Optional[Dict[str, Union[int, float]]] = None,
    annotations: Optional[Union[Annotations, Dict[str, Any]]] = None,
    uuid: Optional[Union[str, _uuid.UUID]] = None,
    self._uuid: _uuid.UUID
    self._name: str
    self._kind: str
    self._labels: List[str]
    self._weights: Dict[str, Union[int, float]]
    self._annotations: Annotations

    setattr(self, "uuid", uuid)
    setattr(self, "name", name)
    setattr(self, "kind", kind)
    setattr(self, "labels", labels)
    setattr(self, "weights", weights)
    setattr(self, "annotations", annotations)

annotations property writable

annotations: Annotations

Annotations of this instance.

Defaults to an empty Annotations instance.

kind property writable

kind: str

Kind or main category of this instance.

labels property writable

labels: List[str]

Labels categorizing this instance.

name property writable

name: str

Instance name. Given a UUID if None was provided.

uuid property writable

uuid: UUID

Instance UUID.

weight property

weight: Union[int, float]

Cumulative weight of this instance (read-only).

Returns the sum of self.weights.

weights property writable

weights: Dict[str, Union[int, float]]

Dictionary of weights attached to this instance.


    uuids: Optional[
        Union[Iterable[str], Iterable[UUID]]
    ] = None,
    names: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
    kinds: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
    labels: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
    weights: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
    weight_domains: Optional[
        Dict[str, ContinuousDomain]
    ] = None,
    annotations: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,

Metadata filtering options.


Name Type Description Default
uuids Optional[Union[Iterable[str], Iterable[UUID]]]

Filter by UUIDs.

names Optional[Iterable[str]]

Filter by names.

kinds Optional[Iterable[str]]

Filter by kinds.

labels Optional[Iterable[str]]

Filter by labels. Items should match at least one.

weights Optional[Iterable[str]]

Filter by weight labels. Items should match at least one.

weight_domains Optional[Dict[str, ContinuousDomain]]

Filter items by weight domains. (upper/lower bound)

annotations Optional[Iterable[str]]

Filter by annotation keys. Items should match at least one.

Source code in src/ragraph/
def __init__(
    uuids: Optional[Union[Iterable[str], Iterable[_uuid.UUID]]] = None,
    names: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
    kinds: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
    labels: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
    weights: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
    weight_domains: Optional[Dict[str, ContinuousDomain]] = None,
    annotations: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
    if uuids:
        self.uuids: Set[_uuid.UUID] = {
            i if isinstance(i, _uuid.UUID) else _uuid.UUID(i) for i in uuids
    if names:
        self.names: Set[str] = set(names)
    if kinds:
        self.kinds: Set[str] = set(kinds)
    if labels:
        self.labels: Set[str] = set(labels)
    if weights:
        self.weights: Set[str] = set(weights)
    if weight_domains:
        self.weight_domains: Dict[str, ContinuousDomain] = weight_domains
    if annotations:
        self.annotations: Set[str] = set(annotations)


check_annotations(item: Metadata) -> bool

Check if item satisfies annotation keys filter.

Source code in src/ragraph/
def check_annotations(self, item: Metadata) -> bool:
    """Check if item satisfies annotation keys filter."""
    return any(self.annotations.intersection(item.annotations.keys()))


check_kinds(item: Metadata) -> bool

Check if item satisfies kinds filter.

Source code in src/ragraph/
def check_kinds(self, item: Metadata) -> bool:
    """Check if item satisfies kinds filter."""
    return item.kind in self.kinds


check_labels(item: Metadata) -> bool

Check if item satisfies labels filter.

Source code in src/ragraph/
def check_labels(self, item: Metadata) -> bool:
    """Check if item satisfies labels filter."""
    return any(self.labels.intersection(item.labels))


check_names(item: Metadata) -> bool

Check if item satisfies names filter.

Source code in src/ragraph/
def check_names(self, item: Metadata) -> bool:
    """Check if item satisfies names filter."""
    return in self.names


check_uuids(item: Metadata) -> bool

Check if item satisfies UUID filter.

Source code in src/ragraph/
def check_uuids(self, item: Metadata) -> bool:
    """Check if item satisfies UUID filter."""
    return item.uuid in self.uuids


check_weight_domains(item: Metadata) -> bool

Check if item satisfies weight domains filter.

Source code in src/ragraph/
def check_weight_domains(self, item: Metadata) -> bool:
    """Check if item satisfies weight domains filter."""
    return all(
        (key in item.weights and item.weights[key] in domain)
        for key, domain in self.weight_domains.items()


check_weights(item: Metadata) -> bool

Check if item satisfies weight keys filter.

Source code in src/ragraph/
def check_weights(self, item: Metadata) -> bool:
    """Check if item satisfies weight keys filter."""
    return any(self.weights.intersection(item.weights.keys()))


    data: Iterable[Metadata], as_list: bool = True
) -> Union[List[Metadata], Generator[Metadata, None, None]]

Filter data using the set metadata filters.

Source code in src/ragraph/
def filter(
    self, data: Iterable[Metadata], as_list: bool = True
) -> Union[List[Metadata], Generator[Metadata, None, None]]:
    """Filter data using the set metadata filters."""

    def _generator():
        checks = self.get_checks()
        if checks:
            for item in data:
                if all(check(item) for check in checks):
                    yield item
            yield from data

    generator = _generator()
    return list(generator) if as_list else generator


get_checks() -> List[Callable[[Metadata], bool]]

Active filter methods.

Source code in src/ragraph/
def get_checks(self) -> List[Callable[[Metadata], bool]]:
    """Active filter methods."""
    return [
        getattr(self, f"check_{filter}")
        for filter in self._filters
        if getattr(self, filter, False)


    objects: Iterable[Metadata],
    skip_uuids: bool = False,
    skip_names: bool = False,

Seen values in an iterable of Metadata instances.


Name Type Description Default
objects Iterable[Metadata]

Objects derivated of the Metadata class.

skip_names bool

Whether to skip the names field.

Source code in src/ragraph/
def __init__(
    objects: Iterable[Metadata],
    skip_uuids: bool = False,
    skip_names: bool = False,
    uuids: Optional[Set[_uuid.UUID]] = None if skip_uuids else set()
    names: Optional[Set[str]] = None if skip_names else set()

    kinds: Set[str] = set()
    labels: Set[str] = set()
    weights: Set[str] = set()
    weight_domains: Dict[str, ContinuousDomain] = defaultdict(ContinuousDomain)
    annotations: Set[str] = set()

    for obj in objects:
        if uuids is not None:
        if names is not None:

        for k, v in obj.weights.items():
            domain = weight_domains[k]
            if domain.lower is None or v < domain.lower:
                domain.lower = Bound(value=v, inclusive=True, report=None)
            if domain.upper is None or v > domain.upper:
                domain.upper = Bound(value=v, inclusive=True, report=None)

    self.uuids = uuids
    self.names = names
    self.kinds = kinds
    self.labels = labels
    self.weights = weights
    self.weight_domains = weight_domains
    self.annotations = annotations


as_dict() -> Dict[str, Any]

Serializable dictionary representation.

Source code in src/ragraph/
def as_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Serializable dictionary representation."""
    result: Dict[str, Any] = dict(
        weight_domains={k: v.as_dict() for k, v in self.weight_domains.items()},
    if self.uuids is not None:
        result["uuids"] = sorted(self.uuids, key=lambda x: str(x))
    if self.names is not None:
        result["names"] = sorted(self.names)

    return result


field(fget: Callable)

A Mapping field is a property that utilizes the Mapping's data.

Use it like the @property decorator and leave the function body blank (or pass):

By inspecting the wrapped method's name we derive the property's key.

Getting data from the mapping is done by retrieving the key from the set values. If that key is not found, an attempt is made on the defaults. An error is thrown when the key is neither to be found in the data or defaults.

Setting data checks for nested Mapping keys to update those and otherwise defaults to simply storing the value. Updating a nested Mapping field only updates the keys that are provided.

Deleting data pops the key from the set values, but does not remove any defaults.


The method contents of a Mapping field are ignored.

Source code in src/ragraph/
def field(fget: Callable):
    """A [`Mapping`][ragraph.generic.Mapping] `field` is a property that utilizes the
    [`Mapping`][ragraph.generic.Mapping]'s data.

    Use it like the ``@property`` decorator and leave the function body blank (or pass):

    By inspecting the wrapped method's name we derive the property's key.

    Getting data from the mapping is done by retrieving the key from the set values. If that key is
    not found, an attempt is made on the defaults. An error is thrown when the key is neither to be
    found in the data or defaults.

    Setting data checks for nested [`Mapping`][ragraph.generic.Mapping] keys to update those and
    otherwise defaults to simply storing the value. Updating a nested
    [`Mapping`][ragraph.generic.Mapping] field only updates the keys that are provided.

    Deleting data pops the key from the set values, but does not remove any defaults.

        The method contents of a [`Mapping`][ragraph.generic.Mapping] `field` are ignored.
    key = fget.__name__

    def getter(self):
        """Get a mapping value."""
        if key in self._data:
            return self._data[key]

        if key in self._defaults:
            return self._defaults[key]

        raise AttributeError(f"Mapping does not contain a (default) value for key '{key}'.")

    def setter(self, value: Any):
        """Set a mapping value."""
        # Setting the mapping to None means resetting it to default.
        if value is None:
            self._data.pop(key, None)

        # Handle nested mapping keys.
        if self._is_mapping(key):
            if key in self._data:
                # Mapping already set, update it.
                # Create a copy of the default and update that.
                self._data[key] = deepcopy(self._defaults.get(key))

        # Otherwise just store the value.
            self._data[key] = value

    def deleter(self):
        """Delete a mapping value (e.g. unset it)."""
        self._data.pop(key, None)

    return property(fget=getter, fset=setter, fdel=deleter, doc=fget.__doc__)