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Graph I/O

This page covers importing and exporting Graph objects from and to different (file) formats using the module. Among the available formats are JSON, YAML, XML, 2D matrices, and more. Feel free to head over to the module's reference documentation to see them all!

The importing and exporting of JSON is probably the most extensive implementation, closely followed by CSV. Some formats are only partly supported, where in most cases it features either importing to a Graph object or merely exporting one.


A Graph can be translated both from and to a JSON file or encoded JSON string. These are all based on the JSON dictionary representations of the objects in the graph and handled by the module.

Take a look at this JSON file for an exemplary JSON file. It may seem relatively verbose, but is little more than a JSON dump of the json_dict property property of an otherwise simple Graph.

Importing it goes like this:

from import from_json

g = from_json("docs/assets/simple.json")

Which loads a Graph into g with six nodes ("a" through "f") with a couple of edges between them.

If you already have a JSON encoded string loaded into a variable, you can also supply this by using: from_json(enc=my_string_variable).

Exporting the graph is rather similar:

from import from_json, to_json

g = from_json("docs/assets/simple.json")
enc = to_json(g, path=None)  # Converts it into a JSON string.
# to_json(g, path="./output.json")  # Writes it to a JSON file.

Which by setting path=None will give you a JSON string representation of the graph. When actually setting the path to a filepath, the string will not be returned and written to that filepath instead.


The CSV format is probably one of the most compact formats we support. To import from CSV you need both a nodes and an edges CSV file. The functionality is included in the module.

The minimum requirement to a nodes file is that each node has a name. A basic nodes file thus looks like simple_nodes.csv. This file will generate six nodes named "a" through "f" when imported, with all other Node arguments left to their defaults.

The minimum edges file needs a source and a target column. These should refer to the source and target node of each edge, such as the simple_edges.csv.

Importing these can be done using the following snippet:

from import from_csv

nodes_path = "docs/assets/simple_nodes.csv"
edges_path = "docs/assets/simple_edges.csv"
g = from_csv(nodes_path, edges_path)
assert len(g.nodes) == 6, "Should have gotten 6 nodes."

You can tweak some additional settings in the from_csv method like the CSV delimiter and some parameters to indicate which column includes which metadata.


A Graph and its adjacency matrix are closely related. To facilitate quick transitions between these representations, we included the module. This allows you to transition back and forth from a list of lists or nested numpy array and a Graph object. A small example:

from import from_matrix, to_matrix

adj = [
    [0, 1, 0],
    [2, 0, 1],
    [9, 9, 9],
g = from_matrix(adj)

# And the other way around!
adj = to_matrix(g, loops=True)
assert adj.tolist() == [
    [0, 1, 0],
    [2, 0, 1],
    [9, 9, 9],

We usually default to leaving out edges that are self-loops (e.g. the diagonal is 0), but if you would like to include them, just set loops=True. There are some tweaks for hierarchical graphs, too. Please refer to the module's documentation for that.

Other formats

For other formats, including the Elephant Specification Language, please refer to the module reference documentation.